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Richard Thorn presents

By: Richard Thorm | Posted on: 28 Jun 2018

Richard Thorn presents

No Artificial Limits - Ireland's Regional Technical Colleges - Richard Thorm

In the final seminar of the School of Education's research series for 2017/18, Richard Thorn will present on his book: No Artificial Limits - Ireland's Regional Technical Colleges

Date: Thursday 28th June, 5-6pm

Location: TRISS Seminar Room, 6th floor of the Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin

The talk will briefly consider the research methodology and narrative style of his book examining some of the main lessons that can be learned from the story of the regional technical colleges (and successor institutes of technology) about politics, policy development and institutional ambition and self-efficacy.  Recent developments deriving from the national strategy for higher education and their impact on the institutes of technology, including the TU process, will be considered. The seminar will conclude with a short consideration of research and its role in graduate formation and development.

Refreshments will be served afterwards.

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