About THEA
The Technological Higher Education Association is the voice of the technological higher education sector, advocating on behalf of and supporting our members in achieving their aims and objectives.
THEA's mission: To increase awareness and understanding of the unique attributes of technological higher education in order to influence policy on behalf of our members
The Technological Higher Education Association was formed by all of the institutes of technology formerly represented by Institutes of Technology Ireland joining with Dublin Institute of Technology to form a cohesive and single advocacy body that supports the sector as it moves toward a planned reform of the higher education system and including critically the creation of a series of Technological Universities. Launched formally in April 2017, this dynamic family of institutions delivers a unique offering which allows students to progress from Level 6 to Level 10 of the National Framework of Qualifications.
The technological higher education sector
We work with our members to shape and influence higher education policy agenda directly through our communications with policy makers and other stakeholders. Our relationships with government, private sector business and sectoral representative agencies are a key focus for our work in driving the agenda for technological higher education into the future.
THEA as an organisation comprises a core staff of 7 people. We also support other services affiliated to THEA such as Student Survey, RPL & N-TUTORR, by providing administrative support to staff members.
We support our members in practical measures by providing secretariat services and facilitating the common working agenda of a large number of working groups across the sector.
- THEA Board and Council
- VP for Academic Affairs & Registrars
- VP for Corporate Affairs & Secretary / Financial Controllers
- Human Resources Managers
- Finance Officers
- FOI Network
- Research, Development, Innovation & Engagement
- Heads of Research
- Knowledge Transfer / Industry Engagement
- Estate Managers
- Heads of Schools: Engineering
- Heads of Schools: Science
- Heads of Schools: Business / Humanities
- AASAMs Managers
- Access Group
- Librarians
- Apprenticeship Committee
- Internal Audit Steering Committee
- IT Managers
Our work as the representative body for the technological higher education sector falls into 3 core functions:
- Advocacy and Representation
- Member Networks; and
- Services
THEA Functions & Activities
THEA is a company limited by guarantee, registration number 403738.