SDGS And The Impact They Can Make On Individuals, Organisations And Societies

To achieve economic, social, and environmental progress, the SDGs include 17 specific targets. A module/micro-credential on the SDGs can offer some valuable benefits to students

To achieve economic, social, and environmental progress, the SDGs include 17 specific targets. A module/micro-credential on the SDGs can offer some valuable benefits to students, including helping them develop new skills, learn more about sustainability, and advance their careers.

Providing employees with access to this resource can enhance their professional development, increase awareness of sustainable practices, and equip them with a new skill set to carry out sustainable practices within their organisation. As a result of raising awareness of the goals and demonstrating how to act to achieve them, this resource can be beneficial to the society as a whole.

A micro credential/five-credit module on the sustainable development goals will be developed as a result of this project.