Can Artificial Intelligence Complete My Assignment? A Student-Led Initiative To Stress Test The Academic Integrity Of 3rd Level Course Work Using AI

Significant advances have been made in generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years. Tests at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton (2023), revealed that ChatGPT

Significant advances have been made in generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years. Tests at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton (2023), revealed that ChatGPT outperformed students on the Operations Management module on their prestigious MBA, receiving a B to B- grade. 

This student-driven study will explore the ramifications of AI for academic integrity by stress testing assessments, essays, projects, and assignments examined previously during 2020-2022. 

The AI-generated tests will be administered by students, and the solutions will be submitted to academic staff for grading and commentary, ensuring an appropriate benchmarking test to assess AI challenges for academic integrity.